Economy & Markets

Trickling In

The first tranche of Japans commitment at the Tokyo donor conference rolled into the country today through a grant of Rs. 1.198 billion for a water supply …

Sand Castles

The Central Environmental Authority on Friday approved sand mining off the shores of Wadduwa and Kalutara. The Coast Conservation Department project will scoop …

Sino Ties

Sri Lanka is moving to cement its ties with China, with a state visit by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinge next month.In addition to meeting Chinese Premier …

New Faces

The Colombo Stock Exchange on Wednesday admitted five new members to trade on its upcoming debt securities board, the DEX.The trading members are: Capital …

Donor Support

The World Bank said its funding for the North and East of the island could continue through an interim administration if the government so wished.The bank, …

Big Push

As some of the Tokyo aid dollars begin to roll in, a top level government committee is looking at fast tracking some of the key infrastructure projects.Top …

Aid Float

Sri Lankas cash float just got heavier, with the World Bank upping its aid from US$ 800 mn to US$ 1 bn over the next four years.rnldblquote For the next two …

Safety Lock

The Colombo Stock Exchange unveiled a range of management strategies to reduce transaction risks on its debt exchange (DEX) including liquidity deposits by …

Trade Net

Potential Euro-Sri Lankan business partners in the plastics and rubber sector will be linked up via a joint trade database floated today.rnLaunched by the …

Looking Glass

Government plans to set up 14 Oversight Committees to look over key state functions is on track, with proposals going to parliament in a few weeks.ldblquote …

Bulls Eye

The Finance Minister said last week that fiscal targets were on track in his first Fiscal Position Report. The Government said that privatisation proceeds were …

Pilot Test

ADB on Wednesday approved a technical assistance (TA) grant of US$800,000 to pilot test two community information networks that will bring vital information to …

Debt Call

Housing Development Finance Corp. has teamed up with debt dealer Capital Alliance to take financial instruments to the provinces.rnldblquote Depositors in the …
