Nov 27, 2017 (LBO) - Indian President Kovind while welcoming the Sri Lankan Prime Minister said that development cooperation forms an important part of bilateral engagement and that India is keen to strengthen the economic ties further with the island.
"There is a lot that can be achieved, given the synergy and economic complementarities between the two countries," the Indian President was quoted as saying in media reports.
"We have a firm commitment to partner with Sri Lanka on projects of mutual interest."
The President said that relations between India and Sri Lanka are unique, warm and friendly and that it is based upon shared historical, cultural, ethnic and civilizational ties and extensive people-to-people linkages.
Sri Lankan PM Ranil Wickremesinghe was on a 4-Day Indian Visit last week.
The Premier also held wide-ranging talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the fishermen issue and other bilateral issues on maritime security.
Wickremesinghe also spoke at the 5th Global Conference on Cyber Space during his visit.
Speaking to Indian media at the end of his visit, Wickremesinghe said the two nations are planning to fast tarck delayed projects agreed on earlier this year.
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In August this year, India had proposed to manage and develop the airport through a joint venture, with India holding 70 percent of the equity for 40 years.
The offer comes following a Sri Lanka-China agreement on development of Hambantota port due to come into effect on 08th Decemember 2017.
India reiterates commitment to projects of mutual interest with Sri Lanka