Ministerial meeting of Archipelagic and Island States Forum concludes in Bali

State Minister of Foreign Affairs was among the Ministers and representatives of the archipelagic and island states who congregated in Bali, Indonesia on the 5th December 2022 for the Ministerial meeting of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum. 

The archipelagic and island states are directly impacted by the well-being of the ocean, the preservation and protection of the ocean is, therefore, in their best interest.

There was an emphasis on developing mechanisms that would allow the utilization of oceanic resources sustainably.

The AIS Forum was established as an open-ended, integrated and inclusive development forum with the commitment to engage in collaborative actions to address common challenges in key thematic areas of climate change, adaptation and disaster management; blue economy; marine plastic debris and good maritime governance. 

The meeting highlighted the importance of further exploring and developing the potential of blue economy for archipelagic and island states to accelerate the post pandemic recovery and confront current global challenges.

The meeting members welcomed and appreciated the progress made by the Secretariat of the AI S Forum since the Third ministerial meeting, particularly in the smart and innovative solutions area such as the Blue Economy Development Index and the AIS Blue Startup Hub ecosystem.

At the meeting it was also agreed to further develop and support the programs and the working plan of the Secretariat to ensure its inclusive concrete outcomes.
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Additionally, the meeting encourage the Secretariat to improve its engagement with various stakeholders.

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