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41 a month). That’s serious money. Now that the first job had been done for me, I went on to look at what had happened to the excise taxes on vehicles on 31 March 2012. I thought the government may be continuing the old practice of subsidizing diesel fuel, but hammering diesel vehicles that were not buses and trucks (the stated beneficiaries of the diesel subsidy) at the point of import. Apparently, not any longer. Not for three-wheelers. The taxes for petrol and diesel three wheelers have been unified, as of 31 March 2012.

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If the excise tax unification and the diesel subsidy continue, one out of four vehicles brought into the country will be a diesel three wheeler, emitting a known carcinogen as confirmed by the WHO. One out of four could be a low projection.
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People who cannot afford cars and vans but want private transport may shift to three wheelers.
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Already there is a shift from two wheelers to three wheelers. In which case, the cancer-emitters (including the protected-from-emission-tests buses and lorries) may easily exceed half the vehicles on the road. That’s a lot of cancer-causing exhaust on the roads. Few years back, the government banned the importation of three-wheelers with two-stroke petrol engines to save us from asthma. It is time to ban the diesel-powered three wheelers to save us (and the government health service) from an even greater scourge: lung cancer. No need to mess around with excise duties (no need to apologize, the WHO ruling came after the excise taxes were unified). No need to put signs saying “Diesel Kills” on diesel threes. Just ban the thing outright, quick.Has been done once. Can be done again. Rohan Samarajiva heads LirneAsia, a regional think tank. He was also a former telecoms regulator in Sri Lanka. To read previous columns go to LBOs main navigation panel and click on the 'Choices' category.