May 24, 2017 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s cabinet has approved a proposal to build an energy park of 1,040 MW of power in Punarin area in line with the government's policy.
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Under this proposal, construction of a hybrid energy park consisting of 240 MW of wind power and 800 MW of solar power will be built in three stages.
The construction will be carried out within 2 years, acquiring identified lands of 6,000 hectares in this area, under three phases.
By implementing the entire project, the Power Ministry expects to generate 1800 Gwh of electricity.
Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority has recognized northern area of the country as a suitable area to build wind power and solar power plants.
Government's policy is to add a considerable amount of electricity to national grid through renewable energy sources.
Ceylon Electricity Board has set a target to increase electricity generation from renewable resources from the current 10 percent to 17 percent by the end of 2019.
Sri Lanka to build 1,040 MW hybrid energy park in Punarin