Sri Lanka to host South Asia Forum on infrastructure regulation


Nov 24, 2017 (LBO) - Sri Lanka to host the 14th Executive Committee meeting of the South Asia Forum of Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) in Weligama, Sri Lanka from 24th November to 26th November 2017. SAFIR assists in the building of regulatory capacity in the electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, water, transport and other sectors as decided by the Steering Committee. This year the Committee agenda includes formation of a working group to work on mediation for regulatory compliance to facilitate knowledge sharing, addressing Cross Cutting Energy/Electricity Regulatory issues and capacity building in South Asia. The Forum, established in May 1999 with the support of the World Bank, is an association of infrastructure regulators from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh and aims to provide a platform for experience sharing, initiate beneficial exchange of knowledge and expertise, conduct training programs to serve regulatory agencies and other stakeholders and spur research on regulatory issues. The eight member forum collectively account for over one-fourth of the world’s population and the region is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with an average annual growth rate of 6.8 percent as measured by GDP per capita world bank data says.
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