Tony Blair identifies seven principles for Sri Lanka’s reconciliation

Tony Blair

Aug 28, 2015 (LBO) – Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair delivering the Lakshman Kadirgamar memorial lecture recently outlined seven principles for a successful reconciliation process. “I think I can identify, based on my experience not only in Northern Ireland but elsewhere, seven principles of successful reconciliation,” First principle is the continued absence of conflict, Blair revealed. “For reconciliation to succeed, you should never lose sight of the fact that the very basis of it is the absence of conflict and that has to be maintained.” he pointed out. According to former British PM, secondly the reconciliation framework needs to be fair and Sri Lanka will also have to work out its own framework. “Obviously there are issues around devolution, guarantee of rights, development and dignity and fair treatment which will have to be resolved,” “You cannot get reconciliation for the future without a framework for the future which is fair - and seen to be fair - that allows for disagreements to happen within a normal political process without a cycle of violence.” he emphasized. Third has been identified as unity and diversity. “This balance is fundamental to the pursuit of reconciliation for as more and more people come to cross those boundaries that separate different cultures, the value of unity alongside diversity will only increase.” he said. The fourth principle is the importance to reconciliation of economic development and the fifth is education. As per Blair’s identification, ‘the dialogue’ should be the sixth principle where it also has to be deep, inclusive and constant.
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Blair stated that the seventh and final principle for successful reconciliation is the past that cannot be erased and never forgotten. “But it can be confined in some way so that it does not disrupt the possibilities for the future and where the past is examined it should be examined for the truth and not for any retribution,” “I believe there is a methodology in reconciliation. You have to get good people in charge of it. Make sure it is organized properly.” Blair said. Persevere is his final advice for the effective implementation of reconciliation. “Persevere and secure a very clear understanding about different cultures people grow up in different ways but somethings are held in common.
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” he finally said. blair-2
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9 years ago

Blair should not get involved in internal matters of Sri Lanka.What authority and knowledge does he have to suggest how to resolve our differences with the tamils?

9 years ago

How much did he charge for this lecture? Normally he charges six figure sums in English money. Oh, and reconciliation? Like in Iraq?

9 years ago

Nice theory, Tony where has your “Reconciliation Principles” have worked? Did you know that it was your colonial ancestors who imposed successfully the “Divide and Rule” principle that made reconciliation so difficult today, because it has driven mega wedge between the two communities. The first step in your bloody “Reconciliation Principles” is to acknowledge the mistreatment of Sinhala and Tamil people by the British, then we can move on.

Antany Peter
9 years ago

Wow people who divide others to rule the world talking about unity. I am sure people who have been fighting since 1948 will take it as the gospel without knowing who have supported the war for 30 years.

Kathir Mayan
Kathir Mayan
9 years ago

It Is always through education et economic developpment a real réconciliation Is possible.
Nothing Is impossible.

9 years ago

Going by your track record this is a recipe for disaster. What would you say about Iraq now?

9 years ago

Ask him to authorise the release of his secret love letters to Bush before the invasion of Iraq. He’s a war criminal, the war in sri lanka was an internal one, he invaded a country – Iraq and now look at the mess in the ME.

Jayasri Priyalal
Jayasri Priyalal
9 years ago

Bush & Blair could not find Weapons of Mass destruction in Iraq; but now it appears they have cloned and created many. Aside that; I am pleased to note that Mr Blair has enumerated on some important principles such as the second that Sri Lanka needs to find out its own fair framework. Delegation of power on out dated principles of federalism by introducing a parallel administration in a small island is not advisable. As there is a financial deficit in the country clear mismatch between savings and investment; tax revenues to meet public expenditure the policy makers need to find out a viable option to preserve the cultural identity of the diverse population enabling to converge towards building a prosperous nation!

9 years ago

Balir is another Hypocrat. It is a shame that Sri lanka invited this man who is under investigation for his role in invading Iraq. Hon Kathiragamar was a man with a vision and did so musch for Sri Lanka. By inviting people like Balir, we just insult this great man.
Calcutt report is yet to be published.World is watching eagerly for this report.

Happy Our
Happy Our
9 years ago

May be send by the govt of UK, to solve problems in Slanka, Siripala and Ranil later invited due to pressure or ………. and to justify future failures of local system or possible war again with LTTE, (when people like him talk to BBC telling any lie or unknown gossip, its the publicity and get respect of all so called oxford professors etc etc) silly sri lankan journalist starts dancing around those words…… who doesnt know whats happening around the world…

Just saying
Just saying
9 years ago
Reply to  Happy Our

@Happy our- unlike Sri Lanka. Britain don’t entertain retired politicians in any of their agenda.

9 years ago

Is an aristocratic hypocrite a hypocrat? The arguments however, are sound.

9 years ago

Mr. Blair

You signed blank cheques for your leader Bush and committed war crime in Iraq. Now you have come to teach us peace and make money at the expense of the poor Sri Lankan people. Once chill it report is out you will be paraded before the International,Criminal Court.

You are an evil war criminal who cannot how many thousands of innocent people you have murdered in the Middle East.

Get out of our country.

9 years ago

Maybe you are referring to Tamilnadu. The Sri Lankan Tamil issue is an internal matter.
60 years of organised racism was practiced by one minority against the majority community and other minority communities in Sri Lanka. This was so in the fields of education, jobs, business, land purchases etc but the world was hoodwinked by telling just the opposite. For the sake of reconciliation to succeed, at least now stop peddling these lies.

john james
john james
9 years ago

What a joke coming from a PM that ruined the UK, A middle east so called peace envoy, that started the wars, and he has the cheek to talk!!! Go home Blaire,so were suppose to be on hoilday with that so called wife.!!!!

9 years ago

To the separatists it is an international matter! To those who think Sri Lanka is there land it is an internal matter! Besides a tamil in Sri Lanka has more rights than a tamil in Singapore or Malaysia! So why don’t you start an LTTE there too? Yes, I forgot that LTTE was hiding there,KP !!

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