Sri Lanka Tiger leader appeals for Indian Tamil support

Nov 27, 2008 (LBO) – Sri Lankan Tamil Tiger leader Velupillai Prabhakaran has sought the sympathy of Tamils in south India in an apparent effort to get a ceasefire with Indian intervention and ward off an army onslaught on his stronghold. In his annual 'Heroes' Day' speech to commemorate rebel war dead, Prabhakaran acknowledged his stronghold was under siege, but vowed to counter-attack and repel the military.

According to the rebel group's official translation of Prabhakaran's Tamil speech, the guerrilla leader pledged to continue his struggle for a separate state of 'Tamil Eelam' in the island's north and east.

But at the same time, he said the Tigers did not want war and wanted a peaceful solution.

"The Tamil Eelam nation does not want war. It does not favour violence," Prabhakaran said Thursday soon after air force jets bombed rebel transmission towers in the north in an apparent unsuccessful effort to prevent the radio broadcast of his speech.

"Even though the armed struggle was thrust on us by inevitable needs, yet we wish to stop the war and seek a peaceful resolution to the national question of our people," he said.

"Our freedom movement is always ready for it. We are not opposed to a peaceful resolution.

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