Brace yourself for some absurd bit of news '85The Municipal Council is sitting on the idea of charging tax each time you visit the loos! The CMC says it flushes down Rs. 250 mn annually to maintain the system.
Colombo city is trying to clean up its act for the umpteenth time endash this time through a service charge for the use of its sewer system.rn

rnColombos 250 km sewer network is under huge pressure from unplanned population growth topped off by poor maintenance. rn

rnAt the moment the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) spends around Rs. 250 mn a year on the systems basic maintenance. But this falls far short of what is actually needed, say CMC sources, if the network is to support a city rapidly expanding in density and distance.
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rnColombos sewer system was constructed between 1906 and 1913.rn

rnThe system was designed to serve an area of about 2,300 hectares and a population of around 400,000.rn

rnThe current figure on Colombos residential population is over 600,000 with an alm

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