Sri Lanka was rated 3.5 on ten by top rating agency Dun & Bradstreet for willingness of its companies to disclose information.
Amidst state politics and a tradition of privately held family businesses, South Asia is easily one of the most difficult regions in the world to collect information. rn
rnSri Lanka is no exception, says D&Bs South Asia office Vice President, Rajesh Mirchandani.rn
rnSri Lanka is second behind Indias 4.25, but Mirchandani says that transparency in India is becoming easier, especially given the large numbers of companies opting for a public listing. rn
rnldblquote Difficulty in gathering information is a feature common to all south Asian countries and collecting information from the registry or the companies themselves is difficult dblquote , Mirchandani told Lanka Business Online in an interview.rn
rnldblquote In the case of India, we have more depth in terms of listed companies with 5500 listed on the Bombay Exchange alone. Compliance is also very stringent