Graft Block

July 6, 2007 (LBO) – Sri Lankan civil society has developed an action plan to counter corruption with help from USAID's Anti-Corruption Program (ACP), the United States embassy in Colombo said. The embassy says the draft plan identifies priority actions to be taken by various constituencies including government, the private sector, civil society, media, and the donor community to reduce corruption and enhance integrity in Sri Lanka.

"It focuses on specific, measurable and realistic actions; and includes time-bound output measures that will permit monitoring of achievements," the US embassy said.

"This structure will enable periodic review and evaluation of successes achieved, and updates of the actions in future years."

The action plan was developed with input from a series of regional workshops in 17 districts conducted for the ACP by the Center for Policy Alternatives (CPA), Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL), Janawaboda Kendraya, and Lawyers for Human Rights and Development.

A national conference is planned to discuss and refine the document before the final plan is presented to representatives of Government and Parliament at the end of July.

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