Legal Office

Jan 15, 2013 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa is expected to appoint a new Chief Justice later Tuesday amid fresh controversy with a group of lawyers said they will seek a court order declaring the appointment illegal. Former Attorney General Mohan Peiris is tipped to be sworn in as Chief Justice.

The Lawyers Collective, a group of dissenting lawyers said they would challenge any new appointment in the Supreme Court seeking a Quo warranto (by what warrant/authority) writ against it.

President’s Counsel Jayampathi Wickremaratne told reporters that the executive and legislature had ignored a constitutional interpretation of the Supreme Court in the impeachment process of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake.

Reports said Bandaranayake would attend court Tuesday.

Bandaranayake was impeached by parliament by a process which was declared to be against the constitution. Sri Lanka opposition parties have also accepted the ruling.

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