Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen dead at 65, net worth of $ 20bn, never married, no children

Paul Allen and Bill Gates in 1982

October 16, 2018 (LBO) - One of the worlds richest people, Paul Allen has died of cancer at age 65. He leaves behind no wife or children, and is survived by one sibling Jody Allen (59). Allen left Microsoft in 1982, during his first battle with cancer.

He was a flamboyant investor and philanthropist.

He owned two major sports teams the Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trailblazers and one of the world biggest yachts Octopus.

From Wikipedia: "In his lifetime, Allen gave more than $2 billion towards causes such as education, wildlife and environmental conservation, the arts, healthcare, community services, and more.[12] Allen received numerous awards and honors in several different professions throughout his life, and on two separate occasions (2007 and 2008 respectively) was listed among the Time 100 Most Influential People in The World.[" He was optimistic about his recent prognosis and recently made public the recurrence of his cancer in a tweet:
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