Pramuka Depositors warned of possible legal action for damages against Central Bank, KPMG Ford Rhodes & Thornton and the bank management, if authorities proceed with the liquidation of the bank as the deadline for expressions draws close.
ldblquote We will sue Central Bank who did not take action for three years and the auditors who endorsed a report that showed a profit when the bank was making losses, dblquote Pramuka Depositors Association President, Palitha Gamage told a media conference Tuesday.rn
rnDepositors are also planning a ceremony to smash coconuts at the Modera Kovil on October 25 against those responsible for the failure and closure of the Pramuka, with Central Bank officials high on the list.rn
rnBut depositors representative K C Vignarajah, who has been trying a softly-softly approach, still believes the bank can be restructured.rn
rnldblquote There is so much energy and commitment among all stakeholders, which I am sure can be channeled towards positive action, dblquote Vignar