Opposition Leader post will not be changed: Speaker informs Parliament

Aug 10, 2018 (LBO) – Delivering the verdict of the Opposition Leadership, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya informed Parliament that there will be no change in the post. The verdict came after Dinesh Gunawardena’s request to appoint him as the Opposition Leader as they represent 70 seats in the parliamentary opposition. “Leader of the Opposition in our Parliamentary history is given to the political party or alliance received the highest number of members that is not part of the government,” Jayasuriya said.
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“Under the constitution, I can’t accept the members sitting in the opposition as a separate party as they are still part of the United People's Freedom Alliance which is also a part of the government.” United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) has opposed the request of Joint Opposition about the opposition leader post in the Parliament. Related: UPFA opposes giving opposition leadership to Joint Opposition
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