Local private airline operators based here say they are getting ready to compete with the national carrierrnnext month when a provision in the MOU betweenrnrnSriLankan and the government expires.rn
However, the regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority has not completed audits on two of the interestedrncompanies who are keen to fly international routes.rn
rnExpo Aviation, Lion Air and Serendib Express are keen to fly international routes.rn
rnCivil aviations audit on Serendib is underway.rn
rnLicenses were expected by end April but regulatory delays could now result in setbacks while operationalrnguidelines are also still a gray area.rn
rnLocal private airline operators said they are hoping to share seat quotas with SriLankan Airlines when thernnational carrier loses its monopoly on international routes on April 1.rn
rnOperators want to start international scheduled flight operations as soon as possible.rn
rnMeanwhile SriLankan Airlines officials said decision about destination availability a