This year 78 companies are taking part in the National Safety Awards. Not all of them win awards.
But organizers say by merely taking part these companies create a safer working place for their employees.
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rnAuditors from the National Safety Awards have already started grilling short listed applicants.rn
rnCeylon Cold Stores is one of the entrants in this years National Safety Awards and came under the scrutiny of the panel of judges recently. rn
rnFor Ceylon Cold Stores improving safety came about as an extension of their overall production improvement procedures.rn
rnldblquote For the last five years we had a sub team called Health and Safety. We realised it has bigger role to play and last year we decided to have a separate Health and Safety team,
dblquote says M Bandara Production Manager, CCS.
rnEagle Insurance, which is financing the awards, says participating companies have to complete a safety checklist which itself is a learning experience.rn
rnldblquote The questionnaire and