Safety Questions

Nov 18, 2011 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's first expressway has serious flaws that make 100 kilometres an hour travel unsafe, an organisation of transport professionals has warned, questioning whether safety features were compromised in cost cutting.
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The southern expressway linking the capital Colombo with the south is to be formally opened on November 27 and will cut travel time and cost and help develop the neglected southern region.
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The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Sri Lanka commended the government Road Development Authority for completing the island's first expressway but warned that changes in design and bad driving habits could create safety hazards.

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"It is interesting to ascertain if vital safety features have been compromised in design and cost cutting," the local branch of the global professional body associated with the logistics and transport industry said in a statement.

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The CILT Sri Lanka called for a road safety culture and recommended training of drivers before they get on the expressway and restricting maximum speed to 80kmph initially.

A reduction in lane width owing to cost overruns does not allow for safe overtaking at higher speeds and space for emergency stopping of vehicles on the road side o

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