Apr 04, 2017 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s energy ministry has invited all stakeholders to study the draft National Energy Policy & Strategies and provide their comments, inputs and observations to further improve the policy.
A committee of experts has been tasked to develop the policy based on energy supply and demand in the past, present and future to align the island with future energy systems of the world.
Sri Lanka is ranked in the mid-range of United Nations Human Development Index, while annual GDP per capita too is in the mid-range at USD 3,926.
Sri Lanka maintains a low energy intensity of economy, using 0.46TJ of commercial energy to produce a million rupees of GDP.
Primary objective of the policy is to ensure that energy is available through economically viable supplies that are clean, secure, sustainable and reliable in order to provide convenient and affordable energy services to support socially equitable development.
This policy will be in effect until it is reviewed to incorporate any major changes to the external environment.
Individual policy directives statutorily required to be issued for each sub sector are expected to be prepared and issued based on this policy such as, the ’General Policy Guidelines on the Electricity Industry.’
The policy will be effective for five years and will be reviewed after two years in a mid-term review.
Aligning Sri Lanka with Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, this policy would contribute to achieving universal access to energy by 2020, a decade ahead of the requirement.
The policy will also contribute to lessen the dependence of Sri Lanka on fossil fuels below 50 percent of the primary energy supply and also to halve the specific energy use across all end uses by 2030.
Energy Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said the last date of receiving comments will be 30th April 2017.
Energy Policy _ Strategies Public Comments English 2017Feb23
Sri Lanka calls for public comments on national energy policy