Sri Lanka’s constitutional council to function without civil representatives

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June 11, 2015 (LBO) – Sri Lanka's constitutional council will be able to meet and function even without filing the vacant seats of the ten member constitutional council, Cabinet Spokesman Minister Rajitha Senarathne said.

The Parliament is yet to agree on the three civil society representatives that has been nominated by both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. "Since seven members can be considered as the majority of the council, it may function as the constitutional council even appointing much awaited independent commissions.

" Senarathne said. The Speaker, Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition are considered as official members of the council.
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One Parliamentarian should be appointed by the President and the President has nominated Minister Champika Ranawaka as his Parliamentarian.
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Apart from that, another five persons should be appointed by the President on the nomination of both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition; of whom two persons should be Parliamentarians. Accordingly, Prime Minister has nominated Minister Wijedasa Rajapaksa and Opposition leader has nominated Parliamentarian John Senavirathene. Sarvodaya Founder Dr. A.T.Ariyaratne, former Under-Secretary General of the UN Professor Radhika Coomaraswamy and retired former Court of Appeal Judge Justice A.

W.A. Salam has been nominated as the other three non-politically affiliated civil society representatives of the Council. However when contacted opposition Parliamentarian Dinesh Gunawardhana told LBO that they are opposing the appointment of ministers to the constitutional council.
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Gunawardhana also spoke against the government's decision to operate the council without completing its appointments. "If they want to do it in that way, why they sent 19th amendment to the supreme court while making a big fuss in the Parliament. It seems that minister Senarathne is making different statements now.
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" Gunawardhana told LBO.
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Lanka Watch
Lanka Watch
9 years ago

The CC should either have all civil society representatives or all parliamentarians as combination of both sets of people will not work as their thinking will be different from
each other. Instead of having civil society reps, the CC should have four representatives
of all four major religions practised in Sri Lanka as this is the need of the hour as the
base of all disturbances in Sri Lanka is due to religion, which can be nipped in the bud.

Dickie Bird
Dickie Bird
9 years ago

This V.A.Chalie Senaratne is repeating like a parrot what Jayampathy Wickramaratne PC had already stated. This idiot needs a mouth guard & thinks he knows all.

Lanka Watch
Lanka Watch
9 years ago

It will be treated by the people as disrespect to the civil society if the Govt. starts functioning
without the civil society representatives. Suggest appoint four religious leaders as CS reps
and their qualifications cannot, of course, questioned as they are taught tolerance in religious schools and they will see that no religious conflicts take place in the country as the four could nip it in the bud. Region is the base for most conflicts in Sri Lanka as everyone knows.

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