Sri Lanka’s economic goals can be achieved through addressing brain drain: Eran


Dec 23, 2015 (LBO) - Sri Lanka’s deputy Minister of State Enterprise Development said that internationally exposed management skills of local expatriates are the need of the hour if the island nation is to achieve its expected economic targets in the near future. “Everyone only talks of capital and technology but in my experience it is management that is needed more; management which has been exposed internationally.
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” Eran Wickramaratne, deputy Minister, State Enterprise Development said. "Nearly 300,000 nationals leave for greener pastures every year and seven percent of them are professionals," However, he says with the introduction of dual citizenship and the simplification of the tax system we hope that we can make them come back. The Minister was speaking to an audience of expats and recent returnees at the Work-In-Sri Lanka (WISL) conference 2015 in Colombo, Tuesday. “We need the country’s educated professionals to steer the ship,” Wickramaratne said.
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“If the economy does not deliver, the political changes will unravel and we have some tough decisions to make in the future.
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” A key factor that helped countries such as Singapore transform from poor countries to well-performing nations was that they ensured education and qualifications were primary criteria for C level jobs and important government positions. "We need internationally exposed management to make it a Singapore," the Minister stressed.
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Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago

I very much doubt it. This implies an underlying assumption that the inherent potential of the island can be realized by Sri Lankan on their own. With an average national IQ of 79 – which is on the borderline of mental retardation – this is hardly likely. Our best brains will continue to seek better pastures where they find better facilities and a more facilitative environment and greater appreciation and the utilization of their output than they find here. That is a good thing and something that must be encouraged because the entire species benefits from their output.

What Sri Lanka can do is to create the kind of policies and the legislative structures, regulatory frameworks, institutions, systems and processes that ensure the effective implementation of these policies within the context of a political commitment backed up by the political will to realize the islands potential with all its global implications for the future well being of the species Homo sapiens. This will attract the best brains of the species – most of whom are neither Sri Lankan nor Sinhala Buddhists – from all over the world to engage this task and a significant number of them will choose to reside on and work from the island. I therefore suggest that importance be given to the task of creating the kind of environment that will attract the best brains of the species, rather than attempt to bring back those who in their wisdom have chosen to find better and more supportive and appreciative pastures.

I see that LBO has provided for the uploading of images so I am going to try to upload one that shows ONE of the mechanisms that is required for progress in this direction. You are welcome to use it but if you do in one form or another please be honest enough to acknowledge its source as all persons of integrity the world over do.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nirmalan Dhas

I too think Eran may have got it wrong here. But then again he may not be to blame as I’ve come across similar sentiments from foreigners who come to Sri Lanka that advocate prevention of brain drain as a measure for development. But the problem may not be able to adress locally. It may require reconceptualization what is known as “Brain Drain” globally as an “Increase of Brain Mobility” and should be facilitated leading to generaltion of “Global Strategic Network” that could guide the planet from states of war to states of peace. Because brains first needs to be developed, to be get the optimum from them and for this they require conducive and facilitative environments and freedom of movement not strategies of confinement and entrapment in the guise of good well intended patriotic advocacy. – Rookie

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago
Reply to  Rookie

That is a very very good concept and I thank you very much for taking the trouble to stimulate thinking by sharing it with others…and “Increase of Intelligence mobility”…may be even better since intelligence can leave the brain at home and travel along the worldwide web…without having to buy a plane ticket or spend on board and lodging.

I am going to use this concept of “Intelligence mobility” in my work and if I have your name I will credit you with having played a key role in its conceptualization.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nirmalan Dhas

That’s not a bad idea too, provided that intelligence alone can accomplish the task whatever it may be. I am not sure if you have heard the story of some scientists trying to teach how to use or generate a laser beam when the technology was still in its infancy to another group of their colleagues located transatlantically and failed repeatedly, till they finally infact had to cross the big pond physically to accomplish the task. I have come across this somewhere as an example of problems in transferring tacit knowledge. Therefore I would think twice about the potential of Intel mobility as opposed to brain mobility. (Not that the former is of no use) In fact the current exercises of idea harvesting on the net by various Intel gathering sources and how this Intel is mobilized, harvested and used speaks about some other problems associated with this Intel mobility. The intellectual property issues are just one such big issue. Warped inaccurate interpretations leading to inaccurate execution are some others I can think of. As per my name, I drew those digital art work you hang on your wall behind the christmas tree on your porch!

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago
Reply to  Rookie

Gotcha!…was wondering how the hell a thing like this had got loose on planet earth and that too of all places on this island. I know about the issues with transferring knowledge online but then these same issues play out even face to face and I do know that intelligence is not a “solution” in itself. However right now there is a shortage of it on the island and this shortage has to be compensated in some way. One way would be to accelerate the functioning speed of the intelligence that is around…and as you know I have been and continue to try to do that. Global networking of brains and then focusing their collective intelligence on the island seems like a good thing but the animals get scared thinking that there is going to be an invasion.

Some of the nodes of the network have tried generating an engagement with the open government partnership in the hope that it would facilitate the transfer of concepts but hardly anyone is able to understand even its own concept to begin with so using it to transfer concepts is not going to work. The same method is being used by the world bank on their C4Dfor megadisasters and it does not work very well though there has been one outstanding exception to this which happened in relation to the EBOLA containment effort.

Importing a few more things from outside the planet may help but there are not many volunteers who would want to spend a lifetime on this planet.

Focusing galactic networks on the planet just to push the developmental process in relation to this island in the right direction seems like overkill and may cause a great deal of excitement that will have to be contained and resolved.

So I think that the next step is the global network even if it spooks the animals and causes some fright and some fight and some flight.

Nirmalan Dhas
Nirmalan Dhas
8 years ago
Reply to  Rookie

Gotcha!…was wondering how the hell a thing like this had got loose on planet earth and that too of all places on this island. I know about the issues with transferring knowledge online but then these same issues play out even face to face and I do know that intelligence is not a “solution” in itself. However right now there is a shortage of it on the island and this shortage has to be compensated in some way. One way would be to accelerate the functioning speed of the intelligence that is around…and as you know I have been and continue to try to do that. Global networking of brains and then focusing their collective intelligence on the island seems like a good thing but the animals get scared thinking that there is going to be an invasion.

Some of the nodes of the network have tried generating an engagement with the open government partnership in the hope that it would facilitate the transfer of concepts but hardly anyone is able to understand even its own concept to begin with so using it to transfer concepts is not going to work. The same method is being used by the world bank on their C4Dfor megadisasters and it does not work very well though there has been one outstanding exception to this which happened in relation to the EBOLA containment effort.

Importing a few more things from outside the planet may help but there are not many volunteers who would want to spend a lifetime on this planet.

Focusing galactic networks on the planet just to push the developmental process in relation to this island in the right direction seems like overkill and may cause a great deal of excitement that will have to be contained and resolved.

So I think that the next step is the global network even if it spooks the animals and causes some fright and some fight and some flight.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x