Two Sri Lankan soldier killed in new clashes

At least two soldiers were killed in Sri Lanka's embattled northern peninsula of Jaffna Wednesday while security forces recovered three land mines aimed at troops, military officials said. At least two soldiers were killed in Sri Lanka's embattled northern peninsula of Jaffna Wednesday while security forces recovered three land mines aimed at troops, military officials said. A military jeep was ambushed with a land mine planted by suspected Tamil Tiger rebels, officials said adding that a soldier was killed and four others were seriously wounded.

Another soldier was shot dead in a separate shooting in the Jaffna peninsula, a military official here said adding that tension had gripped the area.

The latest violence came a day after a soldier was shot dead in the peninsula by a suspected Tiger rebel.

At least 38 people, including 21 government soldiers and two policemen, have been killed in northeast Sri Lanka this month alone. The government blames the Tigers for the upsurge in violence.
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More than 60,000 people have been killed in Sri Lanka's drawn-out Tamil separatist conflict in the past three decades. However, a truce has been holding since February 2002, but both s

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