World Bank chief says globalization must be ‘inclusive’

WASHINGTON, Oct 10, 2007 (AFP) - World Bank president Robert Zoellick said Wednesday that globalization must be "inclusive and sustainable" if it is to help combat crushing poverty around the world.
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In a speech at the National Press Club, marking his first 100 days in office, Zoellick said the World Bank should seek to foster such goals while guarding environmental protections.

"It is the vision of the World Bank Group to contribute to an inclusive and sustainable globalization ...

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to overcome poverty, enhance growth with care for the environment, and create individual opportunity and hope," Zoellick, a former high-ranking US diplomat and trade negotiator, said.

The World Bank chief, who took over the helm of the Washington-based institution in July from Paul Wolfowitz who was ousted in a favoritism scandal related to his partner, said globalization offers "incredible" opportunities, but said it also faces tough challenges.

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"Exclusion, grinding poverty, and environmental damage create dangers. The ones that suffer most are those who have the least to start with ...

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indigenous peoples, women in developing countries, the rural poor, Africans, and their children," Zoellick said. Lead
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