Sampath Fortune
Sampath Bank plans to raise Rs. 1.5 billion by issuing debentures to strengthen its capital base and make long-term money available for lending.The issue which …
Sampath Bank plans to raise Rs. 1.5 billion by issuing debentures to strengthen its capital base and make long-term money available for lending.The issue which …
Treasury Bill rates remained flat at Wednesdays auction due to excess liquidity in the money market and a steady outlook for short-term interest rates.The …
Sampath Bank on Monday secured an A+ (sri) for its long-term debt and an A (sri) rating for its four-year debenture issue from Fitch Ratings.An A+ (sri) rating …
The Colombo Stock Exchange is seeking donor funds to kick-start the derivatives market.The Asian Development Bank (ADB) had earlier helped out with a …
Treasury bill rates perked up at this weeks auction, ahead of the Central Banks monthly Monetary Policy meeting on Thursday.Three month paper rose two basis …
Sri Lankas foreign reserves took a 2.2 percent dip in February, slightly above a 5.7 percent drop in January 2004, according to latest data released by the …
Treasury bill yields remained flat at Mondays auction signaling a steady outlook for short-term interest rates.The Central Bank offered and accepted bids for …
Treasury Bond yields touched 8.06 percent at this weeks auction for paper maturing in 316 days.The yield is slightly above one-year treasury bill notes which …
Treasury Bill yields fell by 200 basis points at Wednesdays auction due to excess liquidity in the money market and less pressure on short-term interest …
The Central Bank will raise nine billion rupees worth of shorter maturity bonds next month to ease the current interest rate pressures.The new issues which are …
The US government unveiled its new US$ 50 note on Tuesday designed with enhanced security features to beat counterfeiting.rnrnrn rnThe New US$ 50 billrnrnrn …
An election on top of the April festivities, created a bigger than expected demand for cash this year.Currency in circulation rose by a massive Rs. 18 bn …
Local financial markets took a beating on Tuesday, which saw the equity and currency markets come under pressure, while bond dealers opted not to trade.Markets …
The rupee ended a tad lower against the US dollar on election day, though there were concerns that the currency could face a volatile period, on the outcome of …
The announcement is subject to regulatory approvals. rnrnThe bank said the five-year debenture will help lquote expand its capital base to keep in line with …
Peoples Leasing Company is coming out with a Rs. 500 mn debt paper, backed by an SL A rating from Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd.rnrnThernLease Backed Trust …
Local money broking fraternity saw some activity this week with an established firm opting for a joint partner, while another opened shop to expand its …
The Central Bank says it will issue Rs. 2 bn worth of treasury bills to the debt market as part of its borrowing programme for April.Of the Rs. 33,371 bn worth …
Singer (Sri Lanka) Ltd secured a SL A credit rating from Fitch Ratings Lanka for its upcoming four-year Rs. 400 mn unsecured redeemable debenture issue.The …
The Central Bank bought Rs. 4.4 bn worth treasury bills on Wednesday by driving rates down grifulvin online buy grifulvin online no prescription …