Comfort Zone
The Central Bank left its key short-term rates unchanged on Thursday, a sign that it was business as usual despite a snap poll and a hike in the domestic …
The Central Bank left its key short-term rates unchanged on Thursday, a sign that it was business as usual despite a snap poll and a hike in the domestic …
Treasury rates remained flat at this weeks auction ahead of Central Banks monthly monetary policy announcement on Friday.Market players are not expecting the …
Singer Sri Lanka plans to retire some its short-term borrowings with a Rs. 400 mn four-year debenture issue coming out in March. online pharmacy buy strattera …
The Stock Exchange will tap into internal funds to raise the issued share capital of its depositary system to Rs.100mn endash a final clause to allow secondary …
After rising against the dollar, the rupee lost around 1 percent, as the markets panicked over a snap poll.rnrnldblquote The rise was largely attributed to a …
The Central Bank says it will issue Rs. 2 bn worth of two-year treasury bonds to the debt market, as part of its borrowing programme for March. online pharmacy …
LB Finance is tapping the capital markets to raise Rs. 200 mn by securitising its Rs. 1.1 bn leasing portfolio.The 33-year old company secures nearly 70 …
The Colombo Stock Exchanges debt trading system officially goes live next Wed. giving investors an opportunity to electronically trade in government treasuries …
Central Bank says market participants should go for maximum disclosure based on good accounting standards when getting into derivative trading.ldblquote It is …
A state bank rode into the foreign exchange markets once again on Thursday to champion the currency and prevent it from touching the 100.00 rupee mark against …
Three-month treasury yields continued to surge upwards as the market becomes uneasy over the upcoming April polls.The Central Bank offered and accepted Rs. …
The rupee slipped up against the US dollar to end at 99.15, despite a state bank selling some dollars to shore up the currency.The rupee opened at 99.25, …
Treasury bond yields for two-year papers remained flat, despite Mondays auction being oversubscribed, the Central Bank said.The bank offered Rs. 1 bn, but …
The Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka (MBSL) is exploring ways to wipe off its accumulated losses through a balance sheet clean up process.The bank is contemplating …
A state bank crept into the foreign exchange markets on Tuesday morning to shore the rupee up, to prevent it from touching the psychological 100.00 rupee …
The Central Bank has allowed the Employee Provident Fund to list its Rs. 240 bn government treasury portfolio on the CSEs new debt trading system, the DEX. …
The Central Bank left its key short-term rates unchanged on Wednesday, signalling that the countrys economic fundamentals are sound, despite political …
Sri Lankas financial markets are likely to remain rudderless as election campaigning starts putting the budding economic recovery on ice.The stockmarket …
Central Bank went online with scripless security settlement system earlier last week as rate uncertainty kept primary dealers away from the secondary …
Treasury bill yields continued to tick upwards with three-month paper gaining by seven basis points at Tuesdays auction, the Central Bank said Tuesday.The bank …