
Any Takers?

Saddled with debts of over Rs. 11 bn, the CEB is coming to the market again to securitise its future cash flows by borrowing over a billion rupees. online …

Steady Ship

The Central Bank left its key short-term rates unchanged on Wednesday, signalling that it was comfortable with the countrys economic fundamentals.The overnight …

Good Marks

Fitch Ratings Lanka Ltd (FRL) has assigned SL A national credit rating to the Implied Long-term unsecured Senior Debt of First Capital Treasuries Ltd (FCTL).SL …

New Page

The government is looking at amending laws to allow foreign investors into the corporate debt market, without liberalising the capital account.Foreigners are …


The Colombo Stock Exchanges debt trading system is likely to take off this month, giving smalltime investors closer access to the government debt market.Seylan …

Third Opinion

So far, the bank has mandated Fitch Ratings Inc. to give Sri Lanka its first country rating. Fitch was selected for its local presence through Fitch Ratings …

Mock Runs

The Central Bank plans to start mock runs for scripless trading on government securities next week after parliament approved the legislative amendments.Deputy …

Its A Wrap

Upcoming debt market specialist, National Wealth Corp. wrapped up a complex debt-restructuring deal for the governments supermarket chain.rnrnrnrnrnrnNew Page …

Leg Up

The Sri Lankan rupee is on course for a firmer footing against the US dollar, despite recent political cross currents that have shaken the currency.After …

Boo Hoo

Suntel wants to buy back Rs 300 mn of its 750mn high yielding medium term debentures, which yield in excess of 22 percent per annum.The wireless operator …

Short Crop

The Central Bank has cut its domestic borrowing programme for Nov. by Rs. 2 bn, as the Treasury is expecting some dollar funds to come in. online pharmacy buy …

No Change

The Central Bank left its key short-term rates unchanged on Tuesday, signalling that it was business as usual on the interest rate front.The overnight …

Six Calls

Six investment banks are vying to take up the post of international ratings advisor to the government, as it embarks on the process of seeking a sovereign …

Round II

Seylan Bank is raising over a billion rupees in debt, to meet its capital adequacy requirements.The bank said a billion rupees will be raised through a …
