Creditors have an option of:
¢ converting the balance capital into equity immediately or
¢ be repaid in full over a three-year period starting 2007 or
¢ being repaid at 12 percent interest up to Dec. 31, 2009, after which it will be converted into an equity stake in Vanik
"..creditors will have a better chance to recover their monies in full in a shorter period of time," explained Vanik's President and Chief Executive Officer, Justin Meegoda.
Vanik's creditors include institutional, money market instrument holders and its debenture holders.
The scheme does not cover creditors in respect of statutory liabilities, accrued expenses and monies due to Vanik's staff.
Concurrently to the debt to equity swap, Vanik's board plans to reduce its 10 rupee share to 1-rupe