Two pier-side gantry cranes to load and unload container ships and four transfer cranes to move containers within the port's terminals will be delivered by its manufacturers, Zhenhua Port Machinery Company (ZPMC) of China.
The company is one of the largest port crane manufacturers in the world.
The delivery is part of a big order for new cargo handling equipment, Wickrama said.
The SLPA has ordered six ship-to-shore gantry cranes, four mobile harbour cranes, 30 transfer cranes, and 50 yard tractors.
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Wickrama said the total cost of the order is around 80 million dollars.
The new equipment is required urgently because the cranes in the SLPA container terminals are old and subject to constant breakdowns.
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The breakdowns in turn cause delays in loading and unloading vessels at the port.
Port customers have been complaining about the delays, saying it rai