Swinging twigs and chairs in the air, men cheered and clapped while women ululated and shouted "Obama!
Obama!" in the village where his grandmother lives and where his late Kenyan father was born.
"Senator Obama is our new president.
God has answered our prayer," said pastor Washington Obonyo, who had prayed for an Obama victory on Tuesday and through much of the night.
"I am very happy, I have not slept the whole night, even my wife slept alone as I waited for the results," said Joseph Otieno, a jubilant Kogelo resident.
"Because Obama has won, we will have a change in the whole world. And for that I will slaughter a cockrel to celebrate with my family."
Wild celebrations woke the sleepy village, people hugged each other as others ran aimlessly in the muddy streets after spending a chilly night glued to a giant screen watching results unfold on the US networks.
"God bless all Americans and Kenyans," said Kevin Amollo. "I am very happy.
"We feel really good about the v