Losing Weight

Nov 09, 2006 (LBO) – Despite scores of raids, arrests and legal penalties over the years, Sri Lankan authorities say many shopkeepers and other vendors still doctor their measuring scales.

From our annual raids we have been able to catch around 1134 vendors in 2005 and there is a slight increase in the numbers compared to the years before, K A Gunasoma, Director of the Measurement, Units, Standards and Services Department told LBO.

There have been 850 raids as at end October this year, with 587 cases in court and over 1.2 million rupees charged from fraudulent vendors as penalties.

We have been registering and stamping measuring equipment since 1946. We stamp all measuring equipment on accuracy each year by telling vendors to come for our registering process we hold around the country, Gunasoma says.

According to department statistics, about 1.4 million measuring related equipment is in use around the country, including electronic and manual scales, weights, scales that weigh loaded vehicles and more.

All vendors are informed of when the registration process is to be held through divisional secretariats of the area and all equipment is checked an

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