In line with a recent Board of Investment circular, monthly wages are to go up by 600 rupees within the Katunayake and Biyagama free trade zones and by 500 rupees outside the zones.
Minimum wage rates for trainees, unskilled and semi-skilled workers are to also go up. Trainees are to get a minimum of 5000 rupees, unskilled workers 5300 rupees, and semi-skilled workers are to get 5600 rupees.
Minimum wage rates for trainees outside the zones are to go up to 4000 rupees, for unskilled workers by 4800 rupees and for semi-skilled workers by 5000 rupees.
The BOI has also encouraged employers to introduce performance linked wage incentive schemes to boost productivity at the workplace.
The increases will also apply to garment factories in and outside the zones coming under the BOI, which have come under fi