May 04, 2017 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s electricity sector regulator, the Public Utilities Commission, has approved a time-based optional tariff for the single phase domestic consumers, which was earlier limited only for the consumers who have three phase connections and consuming 30A or above.
The time-of-use (TOU) tariff was identified as it would benefit domestic users and aims to demote power usage during the peak time and promote power usage during off-peak time.
The decision came into light sighting the observation of an increasing fleet of electric vehicles (EV) in Sri Lanka and increase of peak demand on account of their charging load.
Proposing the tariff change, Ceylon Electricity Board said, studies undertaken by western utilities have found that uncontrolled natural consumer behavior for vehicle charging invariably contributes to the evening peak.
“The extension of ToU tariff to the single phase domestic users plans to encourage energy efficiency and will benefit by the EV users in Sri Lanka, where they can charge their vehicles at a lower cost,” Damitha Kumarasinghe, Director General of Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka said.
“From now onwards, a large volume of customers have the option of Time of Use Tariffs and through this, the peak load demand could be shifted to off-peak, which will help to implement the demand side management initiatives as well.”
Registration of electric motor cars in Sri Lanka has increased from 90 in the year 2014 to 3238 in the year 2015. It is estimated 4,000 electric vehicles are currently on the roads.
According to the introduced ToU, a consumer will be charged only 13 rupees per unit in the off peak hours (22.
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30- 05.30 hrs), 25 rupees per unit during the day (05.30-18.30 hrs) and 54 rupees per unit in the peak (18.30-22.30 hrs). A monthly fixed charge of 540 rupees will be also applied to the ToU consumer.
The Government recently directed PUCSL to be the regulator for the EV charging industry, through a cabinet decision, with a view to ensure the rights of EV Users are protected.