Economy & Markets

VAT Slips?

The Value Added Tax continues to disappoint with revenues again falling short of expectations, with rising refunds eating away at collection.ldblquote Refunds …

More Money

Danish authorities on Tuesday signed a development co-operation agreement to fund a multitude of projects yet to be identified.rnrnThe fresh aid facility will …

Peace Rally

Banking stocks stole the market Thursday, with National Development Bank and NDB Bank (NBL) netting 50 percent of the Rs. 457.21 mn in total turnover.Brokers …

Credit Drip

The World Bank Wednesday approved the first tranche of US$ 125 mn in support credit, to shore up the countrys poverty reduction strategy.rnrnThe Poverty …

Lease Backed

Cash rich National Savings Bank (NSB) bought up Rs. buy amoxil online buy amoxil online no prescription 200 million worth of securitised paper last week, …

Racing On

The All Share index moved 15 points closer to the psychological 1000 point mark, closing at 969 on Wednesday.Despite the current gloom surrounding the peace …

Side Dish

The government wants an interim cure for the collapsed peace talks so it can stick to development plans and aid utilisation schedules. Proposals being touted …

Aid scare

Economists are warning that key fiscal targets could be missed as donors pledge a record amount of aid.Most of the US$ 4.5bn pledged at the Tokyo Donor …

The Matrix

Sri Lanka has a 45 percent chance of achieving peace within a volatile political situation, which will push the Colombo bourse up by 25 percent to 30 …


Far from the buzz and the luxuries of a metropolitan city lie the backwater villages of the Uva and Southern Provinces, home to some of the most impoverished …

Green Rain

International donors wrapped up the two-day Tokyo parley pledging over US$ 4.5 bn in aid over the next four years to rebuild Sri Lanka. buy zoloft online …

Yawning Gap

The trade deficit widened during the first four months of this year as the import bill galloped ahead of total exports, the Central Bank said Tuesday.The bank …
