
Small Change

Compensation as an alternative to reinstatement was removed from the amendments, one of the few changes made to the original amendments to four labour related …

Labour Law

A blueprint for the proposed social security net for redundant workers is in its final stages, with International Labour Organisation (ILO) consultants to …

Fair Deals

A separate Monopolies and Mergers Commission is being spun off from the new Consumer Protection Act, Fair Trading Commission (FTC) officials said.Modelled on …

Fresh Look

The Act will be brought in line Basle requirements and international best practices.rnrnThe Banking Law governs commercial and specialized banks.rnrnThe SEC …

Fast Track

Cabinet has rubber stamped a Labour Ministry proposal to clear a backlog of fifteen thousand labour tribunal cases on a fast track basis. The proposal to be …


Clamping down on excessive government spending, cabinet on Wednesday passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act, the UNF governments solution for the growing …

Social Watch

The government is introducing a new law that will de-politicise welfare payments and improve targeting."People will no longer be able to claim benefits due to …

Limited Scope

The government plans to form an asset management company to takeover the debts of the two state banks.A top Central Bank official said the upcoming Bank Rescue …
