

The telecom watchdogs case against Mobitel will be resummoned January 12, allowing the cellular operator to make further submission to the Fort Magistrates …


The Telecommunication Regulatory Commissions case against cellular operator Mobitel Private Limited at Magistrates Courts is to be called again on December 18, …

New Cap

Prof. Priyantha Wijayatunga will takeover as the Director General of the newly minted Public Utilities Commission from Dec. online pharmacy buy ciprodex with …

New Case

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) has filed a fresh petition against Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd in Fort Magistrates Court on Friday, with summons …

State Freeze

The President on Wednesday declared a State of Emergency, a day after she sacked three key ministers and suspended Parliament. President Kumaratunga used her …

Under Audit

An international governance watchdog Transparency International has asked the government to carefully study the proposed establishment of an Audit Commission …

First Blood

The Attorney General told the Appeal Court on Wednesday that the government would not go ahead and recruit a Chief Executive Officer to head the upcoming …

Major League

US President George Bush has called on the United States Senate for its lquote advice and consent on amending its legislation for avoiding double taxation and …

Grand Slam

Hotel Services Ltd., the owners of the Continental Hotel in downtown Colombo, has won US$ 2. online pharmacy buy ciprodex with best prices today in the USA …

Next Step

Pramuka Depositors warned of possible legal action for damages against Central Bank, KPMG Ford Rhodes & Thornton and the bank management, if authorities …

Law Vacuum

Top lawyers say that the passing in to law of the Consumer Affairs Authority bill has left a vacuum in the countrys laws on mergers and monopolies.The …


Regional Heads of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) are attending a two day workshop starting Tuesday to draw an outline for the Organisations …

AMC Bite

An asset management company primarily created to take over half the dud loans of Peoples Bank will come with a bite that is stronger than the bark.According to …

Firm Hand

All financial services are being pulled out from under the new Consumer Affairs Authority, with a financial ombudsman being floated to take up consumer …
