
Pirates Ahoy

Parliament is expected to push through the long over due Intellectual Property Act by mid June.Parliament gave the Act a preliminary hearing on May 22 with …

Wider Definition

The countrys banking laws will be amended this year to regulate dozens of unlicensed deposit taking companies.Authorities are considering Amendments to the …

Making Of A King

Consumer protection has been a concern of every administration but analysts say that Sri Lankan consumers are far from being kings. A new Act is trying to put …


The Court of Appeal issued an interim order on Friday stating a Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) direction allowing all LP Gas traders to refill and sell LPG …

Adding Muscle

Laws to give banks and finance companies more muscle to tackle bad debts have got regulatory approval and are now before the Legal Draftsmens Dept. Under the …

Warming Up

Average prices for tea at the Colombo auctions dropped to Rs.buy prednisone online buy prednisone no prescription 145.02 by April from an average of Rs. 156.82 …

The Cabinets Axe

The Cabinet of Ministers rejected a decade old draft Companies Act over its departure from English Law principles.A Cabinet sub committee that had a look at …
